Aquarius is a person full of eccentricities. Someone so unusual, even somewhat
unconventional will probably initially attract you but you'll be barking up the
wrong tree if you expect to influence or persuade them. Infract it could take
you ages to get them to come around to your way of thinking and that's if they
ever do.
Aquarians are naturally aloof and will put up barriers until they gain your
confidence, basically they're highly independent so it depends on where you fit
into their scheme of things.
It could be on a mutual needs basis although their kindness can be second to none but they're also constantly making new friends, many of whom you're destined to dislike and sometimes your Aquarians partner will drive you crazy. It might be to do with their unconventional way of doing things but if were to tell them that they were eccentric, they'd tell you that you're wrong. At the same time, you have to admire them for their optimistic outlook.
Most of the time, they'll be absolutely truthful with you. They have a strong artistic streak which may come out in painting, music or writing. They're bound to excel in one form or another at the arts. You could almost describe them as being the hippies of the zodiac, since generally they won't be interested in the materialistic things of life. Although Aquarians make friends, they also have a tendency to distance themselves from others so don't expect them to get on with your friends.
The truth is that they're highly
complicated perhaps the best way to describe them is as spiritual creatures,
often destined to spend too much time working on lost causes. Therefore with
this relationship, it pays to be like minded and share many of the same
interests or the chances are that you'll never understand your Aquarian
partner. What upsets your Aquarian most! Simply by challenging their
perspective and viewpoint of the world since they tend to be inflexible. How to
keep them sweet? Just go along with every whim and fantasy as they meander
along life's path.
What kind of lover are Aquarians? Very unusual, even difficult to typecast this
particular star sign, although music could play a significant roll and making
love to Bolero could be the least of your duties, not forgetting a wide range of
fetishes and a multitude of roll-plays to adopt. With so many variations, the
only thing that I can say with confidence is to be on the lookout for some
eccentric behaviour, especially in this department!
How does Aquarius handle money? The big question is, if they have any money,
where on earth did they get it from? Money does not necessarily play a
significant roll in their lives, so be prepared to get back to nature or to
survive on lentil soup.
How do Aquarians get on with the other signs of the zodiac?
Aries subjects will find them intriguing and possibly even off
putting, whereas with Taurus it's touch and go.
With a Gemini the possibilities are
fantastic, not only friendship but love at first sight. Cancer, the picture is
quite grim and with Leo the
combination proves to be difficult. With Libra, Aquarius seems to pour troubled
waters on this partnership. Whereas Libra offers a match made in heaven, the
favourite for long term success, perhaps it's the diplomatic approach you play
there. With a Scorpio there will be lots of ups and downs but there is the
possibility of a partnership of substance there.
Sagittarius is rather low on the
excitement scale, whereas Capricorn could be an ideal partner with tremendous
opportunities for long term happiness. Two Aquarians are an amazing prospect.
It makes you wonder where this
partnership will end up and Pisces seem to be bending over backwards and I can
also see success in this combination.