
They're entertaining company with a magnetic personality and it's easy to see how you become attracted to them however, you've probably discovered that they dislike criticism intensely but they will admire your strength therefore it is always important to show them how strong you can be occasionally because they will have a tendency to shun away from failure so avoid from telling them any hard luck stories or you could quite easily turn them off.  Other aspects that make them stand out in a crowd is simply, they love to be noticed. 

So whether wearing bright colours or driving a flashy car, they feel the need to stand out, therefore you must ask yourself if you're the latest model and more importantly, are you a desirable object?  Now other points to mention are the desire to lead,   they always want to lead even if they don't know what they're doing, they just feel naturally qualified to tell everyone else what to do, perhaps you included. 

So we're beginning to build up a picture of a born leader who is very head strong and will push their ideas forward at the expense of others.  They're sometimes impulsive but your Aries has a great capacity for intellectual achievement and with this enterprising, bold outlook could be a safe bet in the future.  When things get tough, the tough get going, so how do you keep your Aries sweet? 

One thing that you have probably gathered is that you'll have to be their second fiddle.  So if you accept this position, you'll find that you must agree with almost everything that they say, but perhaps do your own thing and if things turn out really well, avoid rubbing their noses in it because there are one or two things that will make them really angry like mention of failure, so you're looking for trouble if you point out mistakes that they've made and if you continue to aggravate them, telling them things that they don't want to hear, perhaps truths that they daren't face, they'll definitely come out with rash criticisms of you and they're very likely to say things that they don't really mean. 

So if they're in this mood, you may as well disregard most of what they say.

What are Aries like as lovers?  Pretty straight forward,  don't expect any subtleties.  They have an almost primeval approach, so don't anticipate flowers or boxes or chocolates. 

You're more likely to get a "clump" on the head and then be subjected to a strenuous schedule perhaps to do more with athleticism or even domination, rather than a kiss and a cuddle but I suppose in this area, it's whatever turns you on.

How are Aries on handling money?  It's down to domination again!  If it's the latest sportswear, track shoes, sports car,jewellery, clothes, spending on these "essential" items will not be a problem and the way that you can benefit from this situation is by pointing out that you're on the same team, therefore you'll be requiring the same "uniform".  So if you're looking for someone good at saving money and who always makes wise investments.  The only thing that I can suggest is that you look for another partner.

Now we'll look at how Aries gets along with the other signs of the zodiac.  With another Aries subject there will be a terrific clash of personalities with lots of fireworks and the nocturnal activities would leave most people breathless.  Taurus and Gemini are very favourable although I believe
that Cancereans would feel that an Aries person would be too straight forward for their complicated outlook on life.  Whilst I feel Leo's would be a comparable match, although Virgo's would hate the impulsive way that Aries makes decisions since they like everything to be perfect. 

Libra, on the other hand, offers Aries a fatal attraction, the attraction of opposites.  Whereas Scorpio's can play them at their own game, manipulative Scorpio has the ability to pull all of Aries right strings.  However, any Sagittarius will turn an Aries into a romantic, while Capricorn or Aquarius may well excite an Aries for a short time and finally a Piscean would have a struggle to capture and hold onto the attention of an Aries for any length of time.

So you can see that by using a little astrological guidance, you now have the knowledge and know what makes an Aries partner tick.  But how do they see themselves?  For a start, they would change the word impulsive to enthusiastic and they would deny fervently that they were even impulsive or that they'd ever behaved rashly. 

They see their fight for leadership as simple personal independence, although they'd probably agree with you that they tend to live life at a quickened pace, and they certainly do process a sharp, witty humour, so if you're looking for excitement, lots of fun, an Aries partner will tend to live life to the full.  It's up to you to make your own mind up and decide if this too is your assessment of the Aries you know.         


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