
A Sagittarean is captivating company to be with and I can understand why you are somewhat spell-bound but they can be flirtatious, so don't be upset if they run off and leave you at times just to talk to complete strangers. 
Sagittareans are also hopeless with their finances so possibly the best thing that you can do is help them spend their money! 

They're very passionate perhaps even towards you but sometimes a little too passionate to take on challenges.  They think that they can do anything therefore it's quite possible that they'll take on a lost cause and because they can be secretive, there's a chance that they won't reveal all their moves which means that you can't help them with some practical advice as they're destined to go their own way. 

Their tendency to be flippant and not appreciate the dangers, pitfalls and the sheer stupidity of their actions means that you could fall out with them, at least once a week!  With the urge to move and an eye on the other side of the hill because they think the grass is greener over there, they will have the tendency to promote insecurity within their partnerships.  It's possible that you find this exciting and stimulating in which case they'll not disappoint you in the future since they're unlikely to change. 

You may find your Sagittarean a little boastful, especially when you have to listen to the same old stories of their successes and perhaps your only comfort will be to remind them of their many failures.  What lesson can you give a Sagittarius?  Simply these words.  Modesty is a virtue!

How does a Sagittarius get on with the other star signs?  Aries and Sagittarius make a very adventurous combination, whilst a partnership with a Taurean proves to be somewhat rocky, a barren affair where neither party gain loving comfort.  Gemini and Sagittarius combine to make the perfect match, fun loving and full of adventure.  Cancer, I'm afraid is a troublesome duo, whilst Leo and Sagittarius form a powerful couple. 

These two fire signs heat things up!  Virgo and Sagittarius may have so many different interests that it makes it impossible to form a long lasting relationship, whilst a partnership with Libra will probably be short lived. 
Scorpio's could prove to be somewhat of a strain, since I see a conflict of will power in this duo.  Two Sagittareans seem to get on like a house on fire, whereas with a Capricorn, this combination is totally unsuitable. 

With a bit of effort, Sagittarius and Aquarius could have a fun relationship.  For once, a Pisces cannot cope with the direction and aim of a Sagittarean.



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