What are Virgo's like? They're somewhat unassuming, modest, very seriously
minded, preferring to promote their ideas gently. They are creative and full of
ideas, hard working but can you live up to their high standards? If you can't,
you can expect to get a taste of their sharp tongue which can turn on you in one
minute and the next, they can be charming and witty. What are Virgo's really
like inside? Perhaps they're depressing their spiritual desires and in this way
they don't admit their true feelings, even to themselves.
Much of what makes them tick is
buried within their
subconscious, perhaps destined never to be revealed, but now that you know this
secret it will help you understand why your Virgo partner may wish to retreat
from the mainstream. They don't wish to be secretive, only to do their own
thing. How can you play a part in their lives?
Do you squeeze the toothpastes
from the wrong end or in the middle? Perhaps you're a bit of a perfectionist
yourself in which case, I can see a successful future. If you're not part of
the mainstream of modern styles of living, you'll have have created your own
Shangri-la, a perfect environment where the only enemy within will be your
Virgoen partner who can be their own worst enemy.
How do you keep a Virgo sweet? By simply agreeing with their philosophy. To
make them angry, you don't get involved in details, attention and small print
because by not concentrating on the finer details of life, you'll drive a
Virgoen crazy because they can't imagine anyone having an easy come, easy go.
Take it or leave it attitude about anything.
What kind of lovers are Virgoens? Perfect? Striving for perfection means much
practice and the saying is "practice makes you perfect". So your Virgoen is
going to take this saying literally.
How do Virgoens handle money? Surprisingly enough, they can be generous so long
as you can supply a receipt, they will supply the cash. They're not afraid to
spend money towards completing plans or anything luxurious that will add that
finishing touch. It's just the tedious task of having to account for every
penny which would irritate you, unless you're an accountant.
Virgoens and the other signs of the zodiac. A Virgo and Aries combination is
definitely a hot and cold situation. Taurus and Virgo have so much in common
that this union is tailor made to perfection, whereas a Gemini would make a
Virgoen go crazy with their erratic temperament.
Cancer and Virgo is a stimulating situation with a lot of scope to develop into something special. A Leo Virgo combination is a difficult match and it looks like somebody will have to give in on this one and I don't think it will be the Virgoen. Two Virgos make a good union but this could eventually become boring to both parties concerned.
Virgo and Libra, the Virgoens
would fall out with a Libran because they're far too frivolous, especially when
it comes to money. Scorpio and Virgo. I can see a slow start on this one but
there's every chance that something will develop if common trust will allow that
initial spark. Virgo and Sagittarius, this is a powerful situation where the
direction of Sagittarius is perfectly guided by the Virgoen. Capricorn with
Virgo have so many universal interests that I feel that this partnership is a
winner. Aquarius and Virgo together could be amusing at first but
destined to become discordant.
Piscis and Virgo. A Piscean would be supportive therefore there's a good chance of a relationship developing, perhaps even a lasting one.