Three your personal
It's the perfect time for travel and luck, combining to make this an exciting
year where your talent for turning the tide can open up new horizons.
You have a lively and agile mind and can grasp new ideas easily and make them
work. As an actor you are second to none but sometimes you are prone to rest on
your laurels. Your childlike qualities and enthusiasm help you adjust to most
situations. As a teacher you enthuse others and in a sales position your gift
for the gab will stand you in good stead and may also lead you into publishing,
either as a writer or possibly a critic. You can talk your way out of a sticky
As far as relationships are concerned, you have
occasional wandering eye which can land you in hot
water. You often feel the urge to move home, even abroad in search of your
You may get side-tracked, but when you do set your sights firmly on something,
nothing gets in your way. The world is your playground and your chameleon
qualities enable you to fit into any walk of life.