Chart to convert letters into numbers
Find out if you have a lucky name
Convert letters to numbers, us the chart below
Write out
your date of birth in number form, as shown below and add the individual numbers
together. The aim is to arrive at a single digit. For example your birth date
is; 25.07.1951
DAY 25 2+5=7
MONTH 07 0+7=7
YEAR 1951 1+9+5+1=16 1+6=7
7+7+7=21 2+1=3
The final number is 3.
Now work out yours.
Ancient scholars
regarded numbers as a gift from God and were fascinated with their
meaning and I influence on life. They became the very foundation on which our
technology and understanding of the universe is based. The order and
logic of numbers took on a religious and mystical aspect which evolved into
science of Numerology.
It has taken many different paths involving highly complicated formulas. Using
this simple birth date formula, you can discover
what sort of person you are, your lifestyle and your
personal forecast for the coming year.
See what the numbers have in store for you !